Friday, August 8, 2008

Rocky Road

16 bar study No.2

This is for beginners like me lol;)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Bizarre Love Triangle

This song is Bizarre Love Triangle originally by New Order and its dedicated to Dominick Lagon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Because from watching drama series, random thoughts like this keeps going out of my tiny head.


The sky is bright the weather is fine,

Its so beautiful it makes me wanna cry,

That night, I thought the rain is not going to stop just like this tears.

I guess, this heart of mine can't be as stable as it is when you were there sitting next to me telling me we'll make it through whatever problems we'll be having.

Staring at the rainbow when the rain stopped. That moment was perfect if we just filled it with sweet memories,

And yet, you told me those words that I didn't ever want to hear especially from you.

You easily said it, as if you never loved me.

I thought nothing is going to break us apart.

I got weak and hurt.

And yet, you want me to be strong.



That’s all you can say.

I wish it were just that easy,

Like how the sky brighten beautifully and how fine the weather is after that heavy rain,

It broke me apart.






雨が停止した場合の虹を凝視。 その時は私達が甘い記憶でちょうどそれを満たしたら完全でした、












wanna know something more interesting?
then just click this,
resume maker

Because from watching drama series, random thoughts like this keeps going out of my tiny head.


Trust is what we need.

"I trust you because I love you" that's what all people say,

But sometimes,

I just can't help it,

When you’re not with me, I don't know what you're doing.

Trust is another form of love, so if I don't trust you that much,

Does that mean that I don't really love you?

Jealousy is always with me.

When you talk to your best friend, I don't like it.

Even though I'm telling you its fine.

You’re not even asking me if it’s all right.

Does that mean you don't love me as well?

Loyalty is what I can give you.

I can't give you trust nor remove this jealousy inside me,

But, as long as I love you and you love me,

I'll always be yours.

They can't have you as long as I'm here,

You picked me so I should be happy about it.

That's how my jealousy disappeared.

You picked me, you loved me and that's how I felt trusting you.

Because I realized,

Trust & loyalty is enough.

Being immature has no place in this what so called LOVE



" 私は私がyou"を愛するので信頼します; それはすべての人々が言うことです、




















信頼の& 忠誠は十分です。


Because from watching drama series, random thoughts like this keeps going out of my tiny head.

Missing you:

I miss the way you make me angry then follow me when I walk away.

I miss the times we walk holding hands careless on where we going.

I miss the times you get jealous when some guy looked at me.

I miss the times you make me laugh when I'm at my worse.

I miss the way you eat ice cream with bread.

I miss the way you look when you’re asleep.

I miss the way you tell me how important I am to you.

I miss the way you hug me till my tears fade.

And I miss the YOU who made me miss those things above.











Thursday, July 3, 2008


This is my solo rendition of Why originally by Avril Lavigne and its dedicated to Jessica Lazaro.

-これはジェシカLazaroへAvril Lavigne および熱心によって私の単独の演出なぜの最初に行う。

Jessica Lazaro was my classmate since 1st year until 2nd year. She was a really great friend even though we had some misunderstandings. She has this childish side of her that is so sweet and this matured side that makes her a very different person. We still talk through Yahoo Messenger and Friendster. We were so close to the point na people thought we were lesbians. We hold hands; give each other hug which we think is normal but other people just misunderstood it. School was really fun with her, that’s why, since I transferred here in Findon High School, it seems really different. However, It’s a pretty cool school as well, at least I could concentrate more by not talking to anyone. We definitely can’t keep any secrets from each other because we just can’t stop telling it until we just laughed about it. I just wish we could still see each other in 4 years after I get my citizenship because her mom is planning to make her study in a different country, which is oh so sad. A chick like her is pretty rare to be found that’s why boys get crazy over her haha.

- ジェシカLazaroは第2年までの第1年以来の私のクラスメートだった。 彼女は私達がある誤解を有したのに実際にすばらしい友人だった。 彼女はそう菓子であるおよびこれ彼女に非常に別の人をする成熟させた側面有する彼女のこの幼稚な側面を。 私達はまだYahooメッセンジャーおよびFriendsterによって話す。 私達はあった従って私達がレズビアンだったことをポイントnaの人々に近い考えた。 私達は手を握る; 弾力性は互い私達がである正常考えるが、他の人々ちょうどそれを誤解した抱擁。 学校は私がFindonの高等学校でここに移ったので実際に彼女との楽しみ、そういうわけで、それようである実際に異なっているだった。但し、それはだれでもに話さないことによってまたかなり涼しい学校、少なくとも私もっと集中できるである. 私達は完全に私達がそれについてちょうど笑ったまで私達がどうしてもそれを言うことを止めることができないので互いからの秘密を保つことができない。私はちょうど私が私の市民権を得た4年彼女のお母さんが悲しいオハイオ州そうである別の国の彼女の調査をすることを計画しているので後私達がまだ互いにの会うことができることを望む. 彼女のようなひよこは見つけられたそういうわけで男の子でかなり稀得る狂気の余分に彼女のハハをである。

Oh you better be checking this out,
Honda launches vcm643

Kiss Me/私に接吻しなさい

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Other Side/反対側

This song is "Other side" originally by Red Hot Chilli Peppers:



As you can see from my last post "My official introduction", I introduced Michael Ochia as my partner. O yes he is my official partner. This is the first song we sang together. So here's Why originally by Avril Lavigne:

-私の最後のポストから「私の公式の導入」を見ることができるように私は私のパートナーとしてミハエルOchiaを導入した。 Oはい彼は私の公式パートナーである。 これは私達が一緒に歌った最初の歌である。 そうここにAvril Lavigneによってなぜ最初に行う:

Our official introduction/私達の公式の導入

Here's my official introduction with my partner Michael Ochia.


Monday, June 23, 2008


This song is titled Sway originally by Bic Runga and its dedicated to Nikki Vecino and again Dags Mambuay.

-この歌はNikki Vecinoおよび再度Dags MambuayへのBic Rungaそして熱心によって動揺と最初によばれる.

Now,let me tell you how I met this cool people. Nikki Vecino, which I usually call "didz" or "puppycake" as our call sign, is a pretty awesome chick from Davao City that I recently met on Friendster. Oh yes its fate!haha!. I remembered when she first called me, when I'm just about to say something to her she just hanged up on me because she said she's so shy that she can't hardly say a word. However,its just pretty cool how we get along so well that feels like we really knew each other for years.

The other person I mentioned there is named Dags Mambuay, like Nikki, I just met him on Friendster as well. This cool person is from Quezon City. He's place is pretty near on mine. Too bad we didn't met before I went here in Australia. We talk like we really know each other even though we just met. Were always talking about how hot it is in there and how cold it is in here.

What can I say I really like having friends. The more the merrier right?(:

-今度は私がこの涼しい人々にいかに会ったか、私を言う許可しなさい。 私が通常私達の呼出符号として「didz」か「puppycake」と呼ぶNikki Vecinoは私がFriendsterで最近会ったDavao都市からのかなり驚くばかりのひよこである。 はいオハイオ州運命! ハハ!。 私は私がちょうど約彼女へ何かを言うことのとき彼女が最初に私をいつ電話したか覚えていた、彼女がほとんど単語を言うことができないほど彼女は内気であることを彼女が言ったので彼女は私とのちょうど電話を切った。 但し私達が実際に幾年もの間お互いを付き合っていたように感じることに私達がそう健康に沿っていかに得るか、公正なかなり涼しい.

私がそこに述べた他の人はDags Mambuayと、Nikkiのような、私ちょうどまた会ったFriendsterの彼に名前を挙げられる。 この涼しい人はQuezon都市からある。 彼は私の物に場所かなり近くあるである。 余りに悪い状態私達は私がオーストラリアでここに入った前に会われなくて。 私達は私達がちょうど会ったのに私達が実際にお互いを付き合っているように話す。 熱いそれがいかにそこにある、そしていかに風邪がそれここにあるか常に述べていた.

私Iを実際に言うことができる何が友人を持っていることのように。 もっとより陽気な権利?(:

Kiss Me/私に接吻しなさい

Well hey peeps! welcome to my blog. I actually had one before which is called rockistacraze but I gave it up years ago because I don't have time to update. However, this new blog is just the same as before, I'll post my videos and some random stuff so here's Kiss Me originally by A New Found Glory and its dedicated to Dags Mambuay:

- 井戸はちょっとのぞく! 私のブログへの歓迎。 私に実際に私は更新する時間がないのでrockistacrazeが呼ばれるが、私は前に年の上のそれを与えた1つがあった。 但し、この新しいブログはの前にと、私が私のビデオを掲示し、任意原料がDags Mambuayへ新しい見つけられた栄光および熱心によってそうここに最初に接吻私行うちょうど同じである